Full Moon Sagittarius

Full Moon Sagittarius: What’s (underneath) the big idea?

Peaks June 3, 2023 @ 10:41 pm central

Strawberry Full Moon

Happy June! We are now completely on the other side of eclipse season and Mercury retrograde… at least until the Fall season. This month we have the Strawberry full moon in the mutable fire sign Sagittarius.

The Sun is transiting Gemini, so happy solar return to all the Gemini birthdays! This is the astrological month when we transition from spring and summer. 

This Month’s Lunation

This month's lunation is taking place on the mental axis of Gemini and Sagittarius. Gemini is interested in gathering information for the sake of learning, and Sagittarius is concerned with collecting experiences in an attempt to teach us about something larger. Both signs at their core are concerned with the collection of information and learning.

Gemini represents the “lower mind,” the domain of things like day-to-day data that makes up our lives. It’s our local network. It’s symbolic of all of the information and connections we have readily accessible to us; it's the people, information and communications we experience and engage with every single day. Sometimes without having to even really fully think about it.

The lower mind is logical and helps us navigate our daily life. Gemini is the mutable air sign of the zodiac and becomes ungrounded or has trouble sticking to things when it's out of balance. Too much Gemini energy can lead to things like a racing mind or anxiety/overwhelm from a mind that may feel too full. My favorite way to combat the overwhelm that comes with too much Gemini energy is to focus on the breath. Practice slowing your mind by slowing your breath. 

Sagittarius Moon

Sagittarius, the sign the moon is transiting, is the realm of the “higher mind”. Our higher mind is on a quest for enlightenment, sees the big picture and encourages us to think more broadly. It’s where we travel to get away from our day-to-day lives. The moon in Sagittarius is optimistic, idealistic and always takes us beyond what we think we know or where we would typically go.

Sagittarius energy is fun and upbeat. This sign has a playful and free spirit that always helps to lighten the mood. Sagittarius is truth-seeking and on a quest to prove magic is everywhere; magic is a universal truth.

When there is too much Sagittarius energy, we may actually lose faith or find ourselves in the midst of an existential crisis. When this happens, the best way to get through is to take even the smallest step forward and pursue your truth in the face of fear. It’s helpful to zoom out and focus on the larger picture if you find yourself overwhelmed. 

Full Moon Palette Cleanser

All in all this full moon is an excellent palette cleanser after the last couple of months. A full moon is when the sun and moon are exactly opposite of each other in the sky. On earth this cosmic event not only illuminates the sky at night, it also increases our energy levels and emotional receptivity.

It’s no secret things seem more wild and feral around the full moon each month. As the sun illuminates the moon we are able to tap into an inner awareness that may lead to profound realization. This process and practice allow us more opportunities to engage with our lives in a conscious way. 

This full moon in Sagittarius seems playful on the surface, but if you take a closer look you will see an invitation to take it even further; an invitation to seek a deeper meaning. What I’m envisioning is something like accepting an invite to happy hour or some seemingly social event and ending up in a deep, philosophical conversation instead, outside by the pool.

I'm thinking of the type of conversation that may result in you feeling confirmation about your faith, or possibly leave you questioning what you even believe to be real or true. How this plays out for you personally will not only greatly depend on your personal natal chart, but will also depend on your relationship with the more philosophical aspects of life as well. 

a moment of clarity

Some of us will experience a moment of clarity that leads to new understanding about someone we know. It's like working with someone for a while all to discover a new piece of info that changes how you view them; something that allows us to understand them on a much deeper level. This could also play out as someone mirroring back something we've not seen in this way before. There’s a favorable condition for seeking the bigger meaning behind even the most mundane of experiences or tasks. We may feel like seeking an adventure or quest, or feel more inclined to put ourselves in a situation that may seem scary or beyond our normal limit. Take the leap of faith, do the adventurous thing. 

Jupiter in Taurus

This lunation is ruled by Jupiter in Taurus. Jupiter will be transiting Taurus for the next year. This year-long transit has the potential to bring us collectively closer to living in sync with the natural world around us. It also has the potential to manifest as digging our heels in further and hoarding resources.

Jupiter is in the same sign as Mercury and Uranus creating a more mentally stimulating and intellectually active tempo than Mercury typically has in Taurus. This can add to the mental load of this lunation. It’s important to bear in mind the larger question of what this time is teaching us as we work through some of these larger-scale thoughts and ideas. 

Other aspects this lunation is making also factor into this larger theme of feeling enthusiastic, leaning into blind faith and following our hearts. We are being asked to be courageous, speak our personal truth and express ourselves in an authentic way.

It’s time to not only recognize our fears, but to also allow our fears to help us transform and become free from all that’s holding us back. In summary, this full moon is pushing us to ask questions about where our daily life is at odds with some bigger idea, vision or belief we have.

Where are we clinging to contradictions and where can we expand our awareness or knowledge? 

Embodiment prompts: 

These prompts are to help you embody and work with the cosmic energy of this lunation; and encourage a deeper personal practice with the moon. Prompts are meant to serve as inspiration & may be adapted to fit your personal practice. 

  1. Write a poem about something natural that you find inspiring. Find inspiration from a pretty rock, the scent of an herb, or how your favorite season makes you feel. 

  2. Write or think about something that you know to be true that you can’t prove with any data. How do you know it’s true? What is truth?

  3. Play tourist. Visit somewhere in your hometown that you’d suggest to a friend visit if they were in town for the weekend. 

  4. Engage in conversation. Ask more questions. 

  5. Partake in a spiritual retreat of some sort. Even if it's just you at home. Clear room from mundane tasks to create space for spiritual practice. Take a yoga or breathwork class. Sit in meditation or prayer. 

Photography by Sandra Seitamaa and Estee Janssens.




Caring for our Taurus Moon children